
To produce dynamic QR Codes, Rainier Creations uses, a third-party vendor. Some data is collected, such as amounts and locations of scans. Here is the Privacy Policy of

Rainier Creations Co does not and will not use any of the collected data generated from the QR Code. Our goal is to provide customer with the data mentioned above so you, our customer, can see the performance of your QR Code.

If you wish to opt out of using MEQR Codes, please let us know. We will generate you a static QR Code with limited capabilities. Static QR Codes provide no redirects, or any function found with Dynamic QR Codes.

Each order is limited to two (2) link changes. If the customer wants additional link change, a $2.99 charge will be applied. 

After the proof is approved by the customer, additional changes cannot be made because the sticker is printing. If the customer wishes to change the art work after approval, they will be charged a new processing fee for the number of stickers already printed.